Modenese Gastone elite living africa

ModeneseGastonModenese Gastone, a furniture manufacturer based in Italy, presents its luxury homeware collections

With its longstanding knowledge, the company has always been very attached to its origins.

In fact, even through time, changes and incredible innovations, the company keeps renewing its presence in the market by confirming the sophistication of its Luxury Classic furniture. Single articles and details are the protagonists, even more than the ensemble vision: they represent a storytelling of the pure, uncontaminated Classic style: a dimension where “Beauty” reigns and the opulence exalts the glory of the past times. Modenese Gastone focuses on the use and working of raw materials: nothing is left to chance since luxury demands perfection in every single detail.

One of the collections that embodies the inner Modenese Gastone touch is called Bella Vita and it is the final part of the trilogy “Leone Veneziano” (Venetian Lion) which is also composed by Villa Venezia and Casanova collections.

Its preeminent mark is the gilding profusion, with the prevalence of gold and ivory shades. On tables and chairs, magnificently carved and engraved from the talented hands of renowned artisans, appear lavish twisted lines and outlined floral items. The essence of the classic style are also recalled in particular by the embroidered fabrics: from the eighteenth century light‐blue tones, such as steel and cerulean, to grey powder and cream. Elegance and preciousness are combined with uniqueness: each piece of furniture is 100 per cent custom‐made and available in a wide range of colors, fabrics and finishes.

Bella Vita is an interpretation of well‐being by Modenese Gastone, just waiting to be discovered.

Modenese Gastone has accomodated requests from clients across the globe, from Arabic sheikhs who own private villas to Europeran opera theatres.