The Links course in South Africa Gary Player, Hasso Platner and Phil Jacobs joined forces to create a golf course that is as challenging as it is picturesque

The course is laid out so that the golfer rarely sees another part of another hole. This clever design means a golfer feels as if they are alone on the course. Yet it is still a championship-standard course. A once-bland landscape has metamorphosed into a symphony of hollows, bumps, slopes, dunes and water features with each hole having a personality all of its own, complete with entertaining names.“On Ye Go” is where golfers tee off. It is a wide hole but it’s not very deep so good judgement is required from the outset. Next up, “Lang Drop” is an large, undulating hole where a two-putt is rare.

“Calamity” is the third hole, one for long hitters with a large bunker cutting into the fairway. Another large green, it is a tough one for putting from back to front. In contrast to “Calamity”, the fourth hole is called “Tranquility” - it is a long hole at 452 metres, but the green is open and expansive.

“Wetland”, the fifth hole, is invitingly wide but with wetlands to the right and bunkers to the left, the golfer is not guaranteed an easy ride. This is the first hole of the course where golfers will experience the predominant breeze, unless the weather gods are being capricious - when the hole plays downwind, the challenge is to stop the ball on the green.

“Five Penny Piece” offers yet another contrast. As the name suggests, it is a tiny hole where golfers will usually be hitting into a gentle breeze, taking care to mind a steep slope to the right and a small bunker to the left.

To read about the rest of the course, read the next issue of Elite Living Africa magazine.