
Yorkshire-based Sound Leisure, bespoke classic jukeboxes manufacturer, has developed a product for the luxury department store Harrods, featuring intricate bird figures and images reminiscent of elements in the food halls

In response to the rising popularity of vinyl and love of classic design amongst their clientele, Harrods' customers can own the souvenir, an exclusively designed vinyl-playing jukebox.

Manufactured from high-quality wood, each ply-formed cabinet is hand-polished and adorned with brushed gold effect aluminium decorative castings. The LED illumination aims to ensure that the colour of the lighting can be adjusted to suit any location.

A Bluetooth receiver and microphone input come as standard and the juke can be linked to smart technologies. External matching speakers can be connected and controlled independently from the jukebox and it can even have a coin mechanism installed. The machine is set to free play as standard.

Managing director Chris Black commented that the Peacock jukebox is hand-built and is set to last a lifetime and beyond.