messika diamond necklace elite living africaCan anything new be achieved in the world of diamond jewellery design? It can be hard to stand out in a sea of drop earrings and solitaire rings, but Messika’s Arabian Nights collection offer opulent delights that are original and elegant

The collections – Dance In The Moonlight, Kashmir, Persian Drops, Shahrazad, Shirin, and Starry Night – take inspiration from a range of sources from the across the Middle East and what was once known as Persia.

Shahrazad, for example, is the storyteller in the Middle Persian tale, One thousand and One Nights.

According to the story, she was an educated woman who caught the eye of a king who had killed wives for being unfaithful. She was able to save her own life by

telling the king a story that was so long and intriguing that he had to keep asking her back night aer night to regale him with awe-inspiring narratives. She did this for 1,001 nights and by the end, she was crowned queen.

Her story has endured through the centuries and is still re-told to this day. To this end, Messika has taken ancient narratives and themes and interpreted them in a modern way. e result is a dramatic collection that is fresh and exciting.

In Nigeria, Messika is sold via Polo Luxury.


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